Daily's Liva-Vite™: Maintaining optimal liver function is one of the most important ways to promote health. The liver is the central regulator of both anabolic and catabolic metabolism. It is also the primary defender against outside toxins and has important immune functions. The liver is heavily dependent on a number of nutrients which assist its function. These nutrients can become depleted thereby compromising liver function and putting it at risk for damage. Liva-Vite™ provides those and other nutrients which allow the liver to function at the highest possible level. Two tablets provide: 400 mg L-Methionine; 200 mg each of: Choline, Inositol, Taurine, Dandelion Root Extract (4.1), Milk Thistle Extract; 100 mg each of: Black Radish Root, Beet Root, Uva Ursi & Goldenseal Root.
Click for more information: https://files.elfsightcdn.com/eafe4a4d-3436-495d-b748-5bdce62d911d/2c71c6f2-977d-47ac-9b14-a2ebf9f19976/LivaVite.pdf